Wednesday 26 January 2011

Thoughts On Independence

- Why is a 300-year-old constitutional arrangement seen as a horrible imposition by separatists? Germany, as an intact country, is younger than the United Kingdom yet you don't see Bavaria trying to go it's own way.

- The independence argument is impossible to carry out effectively, as the SNP fights dirty. Any reports of, say, John Swinney severely underestimating the Scottish economy's ability to prosper, are instantly labelled 'unionist propaganda'. Cybernats engage in abusive attacks on Labour and Lib Dem MPs, employing faulty logic and nationalist catchphrases.

- The deep sense of shame-to-be-Scottish the SNP General Election PPB instilled in any rational Scot. Watching a young man walking through small-town Scotland greeting everyone he meets (notably blanking a man who is seen exiting a job centre - is this foreshadowing the SNP's approach to unemployment?) before shouting "SCOTLAND!" in cheesy Braveheart-esque fashion from a mountaintop does not make me feel any kind of nationalism. Instead, it convinces me that the future of this country is not in the hands of biscuit-tin sentimentalists.

- Salmond's earliest notions of independence were (admittedly a possibly apocryphal tale) based upon a "rebuff from an English girlfriend"). I honestly, sincerely hope this is no true, because it reminds me of theories that Hitler exterminated the Jews because he allegedly contracted syphillis from a Jewish prostitute.

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